
Warning: Weirdness and personal details contained within. Mostly weirdness. You've been warned.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Just for Butcher

I'm a big pushover. You know that I'd probably come back from the dead if I was asked. Probably. Unless there was free stuff there. Then you'd be out of luck. Sorry, that's just the way things are.

So the new job is . I'm still in training, but today I actually got real work to do. REAL. WORK. I prefer that to sitting around attempting to look busy. I'm kind of a freak that way. And I got to listen to calls for a long time today, which is good since the process for writing them up is long and exacting and badly documented.

My cousin is getting married this weekend. She e-mailed to remind everyone to bring a picture of themselves for the guest book. I think that's a great idea. There's nothing better than threatening your guests with polaroiding them into immortality. It'd be funnier if everyone wasn't going to be dressed up in fancy going-to-wedding clothes. Really, considering that you've bought some kind of fancy gift for the happy couple already, dressing up should be optional. "Wow, I really like the wife beater Jimmy wore to our wedding." Maybe that's the secret to this bring-your-own-picture deal, you don't have to worry about looking snazzy since they're already going to remember you in whatever you're wearing in the photo.


  • At 8:37 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "wife beater jimmy wore" hahaha...that's great...love it...

    man I miss the 80's...

  • At 8:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Man! I wear the fucking shirt just once .. and you bastards won't get off of my back!

  • At 9:10 p.m., Blogger Amy said…

    In retrospect, I should have said "Wow, look how clean Jimmy's wife beater was at our wedding."

  • At 12:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It had to be clean or he'd beat me again. You it's really hard to get blood out of white cotten especially since I can't work on it until he sobers up.


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